"Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man."

Further to the Foregoing...

07:42 Thursday, 6 February 2025
Current Wx: Temp: 60.8°F Pressure: 1021hPa Humidity: 94% Wind: 3.44mph
Words: 92

That's what I get for searching the interwebs and IMDB before being adequately caffeinated in the morning.

The movie I clicked on was MIB^3 (superscript 3), which I failed to notice. It explains why I didn't find the quote I was looking for. Since I was just using the in-page search function in Safari, I didn't actually read any of the quotes, or I'd have noticed something was amiss.

Anyway, the relevant quotation is: "A person is smart. People are dumb."

I guess a person can be dumb sometimes too.

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05:36 Thursday, 6 February 2025
Current Wx: Temp: 60.94°F Pressure: 1020hPa Humidity: 95% Wind: 0mph
Words: 543

I had to ask ChatGPT to help me remember the word "deterministic." Every time I can't recall a name or a word, I worry I'm beginning to show signs of dementia. Sucks getting old.

I'm disappointed that I didn't seem to learn about Dietrich Bonhoeffer until only recently. I do seem to recall passing mentions of him in books I'd read recently about Germany under the Nazis, and that he'd been executed in prison just before the end of the war.

Anyway, I have his bio in the queue, if I can muster the courage to read it, and I'm currently grazing on Letters and Papers From Prison. The opening essay is entitled After Ten Years, A Reckoning made at New Year 1943. If you can find that somewhere, probably worth reading, though it won't inspire much in the way of optimism.

Bonhoeffer's "theory of stupidity," is taken from a section of that essay, although it's called "folly" in the book I have. You can find a pdf of that section here. I'm inclined to prefer the word "folly" as it lacks the pejorative valence (As in "charge." Then why not use "charge"? Because I like "valence." You're not my supervisor, or my editor!) of "stupidity."

Quoting Agent K in the movie, Men In Black, which, disappointingly, doesn't seem to appear in the Quotes page at IMDB, "A person is smart. People are dumb." (Maybe "stupid.") This seems to suggest, as one should always think deeply on the dialogue in motion pictures, that "stupidity" or "folly" is an emergent property, whenever people interact in large numbers.

I think this is correct. It's what I was referring to when I wrote:

Shit happens. Shit is an emergent property of complex, non-linear social systems. It's inherently chaotic. You think you understand what the boundaries of the phase-space are, and the system teaches you otherwise.

Where by "shit," I mean the unwanted, negative, destructive actions and behaviors of individuals acting as agents within a complex, non-linear dynamic system. Basically, anyone working for Elon Musk these days.

Which is why there is little you can do about it. Bonhoeffer writes of "liberation," an external act that "frees" the "fools" from the spell they're under. That's usually a catastrophe. Sometimes referred to by the technical term, "fuck around and find out."

"Stupidity," or "folly" ("shit") is an emergent phenomenon in groups.

Foolish or stupid behavior by an individual is a contingent phenomenon.

Contingent on many things, culture, education, conditioning, trauma, fatigue, diet, anxiety, state of intoxication, many things. But the point is that we are not the "masters of our fate, the captain's of our souls" we flatter ourselves to be. Please see the Milgram experiment. Also the present behavior of all the government employees who are allowing Musk and his script-kiddies to do as they please.

Bonhoeffer has much to say about such people, but that's for another post.

All of which is to say, it's not deterministic. The word I was searching for this morning, and alarmed that I could not recall at my command, and mostly prompted this post.

Anyway... We are in a shit-storm. Seek shelter. Damage assessments can wait until after it passes. They will be heart-breaking.

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Off The Wall

17:37 Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Current Wx: Temp: 71.73°F Pressure: 1019hPa Humidity: 74% Wind: 6.91mph
Words: 142

I have a photo of the property survey of Winterfell, and I have an overhead shot from my DJI mini. I wanted to overlay the photo over the survey, and make the photo semi-transparent.

I have a Freeform document open for the move up north, and I tried doing it in that. You can overlay images, but you can't adjust the opacity of the image overlay. Seems like kind of an obvious feature.

I'll spare you all the dumb ways (far too complicated) I tried to accomplish the same thing, and instead give you the simple and easy answer: Pages.

I was able to rotate and scale the image to align with the features in the survey. It's not ideal, but it looks close enough.

I want to get a better digital scan of the survey, but that'll have to wait.

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Category Six Shit-Storm

11:52 Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Current Wx: Temp: 76.14°F Pressure: 1022hPa Humidity: 67% Wind: 3.44mph
Words: 157

The day after the Orange One was inaugurated, I posted about the shit that was about to hit the fan. We're only entering the third week of this reign of error. We've got about 205 more to go!

Well, the point of that post was that it doesn't do much good to complain fecklessly (Is that redundant? Probably.) on your blog or in your social media posts. You're not changing any minds. Old posts by Doc Searls (that I was unable to locate, his archives don't go back that far) notwithstanding.

So, what I did this morning was email my congressman and my two senators and asked them why an unaccountable tech billionaire and his civilian employees were being given unfettered access to federal systems and assets? And altering the code!

Probably doesn't help either, but it's better than just bitching about it online.

Maybe if everyone emailed their senators and representatives, it might get their attention.

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Just Another Maverick Monday

10:09 Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Current Wx: Temp: 64.76°F Pressure: 1023hPa Humidity: 95% Wind: 8.05mph
Words: 163

The Maverick Monday YouTube channel suggested that Ford may have a fix for the back-up camera recall this week. That would be cool.

The chaos and uncertainty that surrounds the Orange One's reign of error makes me a little nervous about closing this deal. I think I have a deal, since I put a $500 deposit down and agreed on a price. But imagine you're a dealer and you've got some 2024 inventory that now represents a bargain if tariffs on Mexico go into effect. You could sell them above sticker and still have them be far more affordable than 2025s coming from the factory. They'd sell.

And who eats that 25% tariff for people who've already ordered their vehicles? The manufacturer? The dealer? If they try to pass it on to the customer, I guess they'll just be walking away from those orders, which again makes the 2024 inventory more attractive.

Anyway, I don't want to think about it too much.

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Party Wrap-up

09:52 Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Current Wx: Temp: 64.36°F Pressure: 1023hPa Humidity: 95% Wind: 6.91mph
Words: 254

Our little Groundhog Day get-together went very well. The prizes were a hit, though the small number of guests made for some interesting results. One couple drew one each of the stuffed animals. My neighbor who won the DVD doesn't have a Blu-Ray (or any) DVD player! I told him he could re-gift it.

A lot of leftover beer that I don't wish to consume. Mitzi's put it in the garage, so "out of sight, out of mind" and all that. Plus, it'll be warm. I'll probably walk it over to my neighbor across the street.

Everyone seemed to have a good time, and I certainly enjoyed myself. One of the guests was an old friend from back in the day when I hosted the original parties. It was nice to have her kind of verify some of the stories.

Some clever asshole put up a very well-produced AI video of a supposed Groundhog Day sequel on YouTube. I was kind of taken in until I read the comments. I'm rather surprised that hasn't received at take-down notice. I've been noticing more and more of these bullshit AI produced videos. I expect that YouTube will be largely unusable in a year or so. AI-enhanced enshittification.

In a 2025 version of the movie, the character trapped in the time-loop would become an "influencer," predicting events that would happen that day and enjoy some amount of world-wide fame, going "viral" on the social media platforms.

It would suck.

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A Sidebar

09:06 Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Current Wx: Temp: 61.81°F Pressure: 1023hPa Humidity: 96% Wind: 5.75mph
Words: 19

Maintenance morning, fixing the export of the sidebar. Lots of extraneous html paragraph tags. Let's see if this works...

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Now It's a Party

10:12 Sunday, 2 February 2025

Current Wx: Temp: 63.36°F Pressure: 1024hPa Humidity: 81% Wind: 10.36mph
Words: 160

Photo of three plush woodchuck toys and three small resin woodchucks on a shelf

We're hosting a little open house today, in honor of Groundhog Day. These are the door prizes.

It's something I did starting about 18 years ago. It ran for about five years, until it got so large that we had to move it to the condo clubhouse and I had no idea who the majority of the people were who attending. "Too much of a good thing," and all that.

Anyway, we're having some friends over. We're going to print some business cards up with quotes from the movie on them, like "Don't drive angry. Don't drive angry!" (That was one of Groundhog Day's taglines for a while.) And we'll put one of the gifts on some of the cards. Guests will draw a card, read a quote and maybe win a prize. There's a Blu-Ray copy of the movie in the prizes as well. About a third of the guests will win a prize.

"Too early for flapjacks?"

A Couple More Niggles

09:06 Sunday, 2 February 2025
Current Wx: Temp: 58.21°F Pressure: 1024hPa Humidity: 93% Wind: 6.91mph
Words: 26

Mostly working. I need to add some stuff to the Groundhog Day page for navigation and so on. But for now I need to make breakfast...

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Blast From the Past

08:38 Sunday, 2 February 2025
Current Wx: Temp: 54.72°F Pressure: 1024hPa Humidity: 96% Wind: 3.44mph
Words: 113

If all goes according to plan, there will be a page in the sidebar called On This Groundhog Day, which will be all the posts written on this date in the five years or so Groundhog Day existed.

I'm sorry to say that many of the links in the posts will be dead, and so much of the context will be missing. But it might be worthwhile to drop in now and then to see what the topics du jour were almost two decades ago.

I'm going to post this, and then see how it all turned out. May be a hiccup or two, but I think I have most of it sorted.

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08:49 Saturday, 1 February 2025
Current Wx: Temp: 59.07°F Pressure: 1021hPa Humidity: 86% Wind: 3.44mph
Words: 92

So a quick glance at March 2024 shows a similar, perhaps identical, problem. It seems to resolve itself about March 10, so I won't have to fix every post in March.

I fixed an export glitch at On This Day, though there is one remaining that is a head-scratcher. All the paragraph breaks are missing in the first few posts from way back when. I noticed the same thing in the Groundhog Day Tinderbox file when I tried to preview an On This Day agent in that file.

It's a mystery...

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08:07 Saturday, 1 February 2025
Current Wx: Temp: 55.24°F Pressure: 1021hPa Humidity: 92% Wind: 1.01mph
Words: 242

That little "nice to have" feature I added yesterday alerted me to a significant glitch in the Tinderbox file that is the marmot.

One of the "On This Day" posts for today was a photo post, with the date of the shot in the title, and it wasn't February 1st, 2024!

Investigation revealed that all of the posts in the February 2024 container had had their publication dates moved back in time about 10 days and 20 hours. I was fixing things, so I wasn't making notes, but I have the impression that some of them were a day or so off from that 10 day interval, but most of them were about 10 or 11 days off.

The good news was that the glitch had occurred sometime after I'd closed out the month, and ticked the "do not export" checkbox. So the html file here at the site still had all the correct publication dates and times.

Now I need to investigate and see if the problem was limited to February. Why would it? But I almost don't want to know.

If it's not, I'll investigate more closely and see if the time shift is consistent for all the posts. If that's the case, I can create a stamp that'll run some action code and shift the time forward. I hand-edited all the publicationDate attributes in February 2024, and I posted a lot! Hence, the "Oy!"

The beat goes on...

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